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iOS private API detection

27 Aug 2015 . category: tech . Comments

Analyze your app(CLPDemo.app)

Fetch apis

class-dump-z ./CLPDemo.app/CLPDemo > CLPDemo.api

Get the private api list.

Private apis are api which developers are prevented from using. In order to get private apis list for checking, We have to get all apis provided by apple first(api-a). By excluding those public apis declared in the header files, documented apis from .docset, we will get a list of private apis.

1.Get apis lists(api-a) from a framework.(e.g Foundation.framework)
class-dump --arch i386 /path2IosSdks/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation > Foundations.api
2.Get apis from XXXFramework/*.h(api-b).
2.Get documented apids(api-c)
sqlite3 /path2docset/com.apple.adc.documentation.iOS.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx "select ZDECLARATION from ZTOKENMETAINFORMATION" >~/documented.api
ps. Some steps may need further processing before well organized.

There is also some public-repository where all apis are presented.
Refer to: https://github.com/nst/iOS-Runtime-Headers.git.

Useful commands



Kyle is a software developer in China. He likes mathematics,physics,art,computer science. In his spare time, he would like to read books, write some codes he likes, go swimming or hiking.